QUICK! Volunteers Needed for HUGE Wittmann Event!
The Wittmann Public Safety Night brought to you by Wittmann, AZ Emergency Alerts is in need of volunteers! The event, taking place on, November 5th, 2021, from 5pm to 7pm at the Nadaburg Elementary School which is centered for the Wittmann community to meet deputies, firefighters, paramedics, DOT workers, emergency managers, and other vital public service workers who keep Wittmann safe!
The event is also aimed for attendance from the entire family, including the kiddos to enjoy the experience of talking to the firefighters, deputies, and other vital workers, but also seeing fire trucks, police cars, and the awesome HELICOPTER that will be landing!
While this has been in the planning phase behind the scenes for months, Wittmann, AZ Emergency Alerts is calling on the Wittmann Community for help! We need some volunteers to help on the day of the event! Can you help? Click here to let us know!
For more information regarding the Wittmann Public Safety Night, go to WittmannEmergencyAlerts.org/WPSN